explore texas
explore texas is a website that aims to highlight the unique, fun, and interesting aspects of Texas through the lens of someone who grew up there. It specifically delves into its four major cities - Austin, Dallas, Houston, and San Antonio.
Process and branding
Originally intended to be a travel guide, I quickly found I was trying to include too much information – none of which was unique. Eventually I figured out my angle: showcasing the incredbile things that come out of Texas and telling it through the nostalgic lens of someone who grew up there. I wanted to put a personal touch on each page as well as hone in on a fun illustration style to be used throughout the site.
After creating a sitemap and fleshing out the type of content I wanted to include, I drew rough sketches of each page in order to help shape how everything flowed together. I then explored colors and fonts that felt like Texas to me – mostly, I wanted the colors to reflect what a Texas sunset looks like. I use a lot of organic shapes and hand-drawn graphics to give the site a fun and unexpected twist.